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Published by
Ruth Eharisi-Ayomah
June 18, 2024

The Spectra Optia’s advanced protocols and capabilities offers a potential solution to the challenges posed by blood shortages in developing countries like Nigeria. The Spectra Optia features four key protocols namely:

1. Red Blood Cell Exchange Protocol: This protocol involves four steps essential for patients with conditions such as sickle cell disease, where regular blood transfusions are necessary. By efficiently exchanging a patient's sickle cell-containing red blood cells with healthy donor red blood cells, the Spectra Optia System can help manage the disease and reduce the demand for scarce blood resources.

2. Platelet Collection Protocol: Platelets are crucial for clotting and are often needed for patients with bleeding disorders or undergoing chemotherapy. The Spectra Optia System's 3 step platelet collection protocol allows for the efficient collection of platelets from donors, increasing the availability of this vital blood component in Nigeria's healthcare system.

3. Plasma Exchange Protocol: Plasma exchange is used in various conditions,including autoimmune disorders and certain neurological diseases. By utilizing the Spectra Optia System's plasma exchange protocol, healthcare providers can effectively remove harmful antibodies or toxins from a patient's plasma,reducing the need for imported plasma products and conserving local blood resources.

4. Stem Cell Collection Protocol: Stem cell transplantation is a life-saving treatment for conditions like leukemia and lymphoma. The Spectra Optia System's stem cell collection protocol enables the efficient collection of hematopoietic stem cells from donors, supporting the development of a local stem cell bank in Nigeria and reducing reliance on international sources.

By leveraging the capabilities of the Spectra Optia System and its four essential protocols, healthcare providers in Nigeria can enhance blood management practices, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to addressing the persistent blood shortage in the country. Investing in advanced technologies like the Spectra Optia System is not only a step towards better patient care but also a strategic move towards achieving self-sufficiency in blood supply and promoting sustainable healthcare practices in Nigeria.

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